R8 devices marked V3 require different firmware versions than devices marked V1 and V2. To perform a firmware update, please proceed as follows: 

  1. Open the CDMP (https://cdmp.climax-deutschland.com) and log in with your user account. 
  2. Click on Systems
  3. Search for the unit on which the update is to be performed. 
  4. Click on the device. 
  5. Select the "Status" tab
  6. Check that the software version has "V3" in its name. 
  7. Select the "System" tab
  8. Check the device type. If it is not "V3 Mobile Pro 4G R8" click on "Edit" at the bottom.
  9. Change the device type to "V3 Mobile Pro 4G R8".
  10. Click on Save
  11. Open the device again
  12. Click on "Remote Maintenance
  13. Select "NEW ACTION
  14. Select the action "Load Firmware R8_V3_R869_F1B_GE_0.X.XX (current)" (instead of the "X", this is the version number of the firmware currently in use). 
  15. Click on Save
  16. Click on the three dots next to the action name and select "Execute" from the context menu.